Social media is now the new “grapevine” Everything from hard news, family updates, showbiz gossip, movie reviews is shared and re-shared on sites like Facebook, Twitter and others. Every day millions of people all over the globe log in to their social media accounts and spend up to hours just looking at anything from videos, ads, selfies or the latest pictures from relatives on vacation, happenings in the workplace and even the antics of pets.
It’s not just a place for sharing information anymore either. It’s called social media but you can also call it a good business media. It’s a good place to promote yourself or your company. You can even sell your products or look for items to buy.
Why Link to Social Media?
Whether you are running a website for your company, business, family, or hobby consider the benefits of linking your website to social media.
This one should be pretty obvious.Linking your website to social media will allow your readers to immediately be able to share it with their friends and followers. You can also put links on your social media page to redirect online viewers to your website.
Data Gathering
Social media sites are a good way to get a gauge on how people feel about your website, your business or your products. “Stalk” conversations to know how people are reacting.
Communication and Feedback
Social media is also a good way to communicate with your readers. Your page might have a comments section, but your conversations with readers over social media will be more visible to others. The more comments there are the more curious others will become about your website.
Make Social Media Buttons Readily Accessible
Buttons like the “Like” “Share” and “Comment” buttons should always be visible. You can put them in places like on the top, bottom or along the side of your home page.
Make Social Media Part of Your Page
For example you can have a box in your website where your Tweets or the Tweets of your website followers appear, this will make your website more interactive and more real-time. You can also be informed of certain developments right away instead of seeing them later in comments.
Don’t Over do It
Linking to social media is good but consider links only to the more active social media sites, never mind the less active ones. If you want to be linked to all known social media, that could be a problem, the more buttons you have on your website the more cluttered your page will look. Also, chances are you will attract little or no attention in the less active social media sites, so it won’t be worth the effort at all.
A website owner will have to be a fool to not appreciate what social media can do for his or her website. Do you have a social media strategy in mind already for your website? Talk to us at, we can help get your strategy off the ground.